Portrait of Dr Srini Parthasarathy

Dr Srini Parthasarathy : Partner

Srini is an expert in performance management in the context of competition and regulation, and he heads Oxera’s Performance, Productivity and Efficiency practice.

For more than 15 years, while at the London School of Economics and Oxera, Srini has led on expert reports and testimonies for regulators, industry associations, and corporates in over ten European member states, focusing on the energy, water and transport sectors. He has provided expert advice as part of regulatory due diligence, regulatory incentive design, price control reviews, competition investigations, and price appeal and merger inquiries.

Srini has previously taught in the Economics and Business faculties at the University of Warwick, London School of Economics and London Business School. He acts as an ad hoc reviewer for peer-reviewed academic journals in performance management: OR Spectrum, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society and Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

Srini speaks English.

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 6612

Srini's specialisms include:

professional experience

  • Advice to the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority on European regulators’ experiences of integrating quality measures within cost benchmarking (2019–20)

  • Adviser to a major European energy company on efficiency issues (2020–)

  • Adviser to a number of European gas transmission system operators on international efficiency benchmarking (2019–)

  • Adviser for several UK energy companies in RIIO-2 on efficiency issues (2019–)

  • Adviser to a number of European electricity transmission system operators on international efficiency benchmarking (2018–)

  • Adviser to an European regional energy regulator on frontier shift (2019)

expert experience

  • Expert testimony for the Energy Networks Association as part of the ongoing PR19 CMA inquiries (2020–)

  • Expert testimony for European electricity and gas transmission system operators on CEER’s pan-European transmission benchmarking study (2020–)

  • Expert adviser for a German gas distribution company on benchmarking issues for the third regulatory period (2019–)

  • Expert adviser for several UK water companies in PR19 and in the ongoing CMA price appeal inquiries (2018–)

  • Expert adviser for a German electricity distribution company on benchmarking issues for the third regulatory period (2019–)

  • Expert adviser for a German electricity distribution company and electricity transmission company on the general productivity factor for the third regulatory period (2019–)


  • Deuchert, E. and Parthasarathy, S. (2018–19): five-part series of articles on the German energy regulator’s benchmarking framework covering efficiency methods (DEA and SFA), functional form assumptions, cost driver analysis, outlier analysis and model validation, in the ew–Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft.

  • Parthasarathy, S. (2010), ‘A computationally efficient procedure for Data Envelopment Analysis’, PhD thesis, available from London School of Economics.

  • Banker, R. D., Natarajan, R. and Parthasarathy, S. (2009), ‘Nonparametric Estimation and Statistical Tests of Components of Productivity Change’, INFORMS.

  • Banker, R. D. and Parthasarathy, S. (2008), ‘Examining the two-stage DEA-based approach for evaluating exogenous variables affecting productivity’, working paper.


  • PhD Operational Research (Production Economics), London School of Economics, UK

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