Simone is a member of Oxera’s Competition team. He has worked on merger cases in a variety of sectors, including aviation, banking, energy and food. He has provided advice in Article 101 and 102 cases, as well as on follow-on damages in many industries—such as industrial manufacturing, clothing, beauty, financial services, waste management, cement and sports broadcasting.
Simone has also been involved in market investigations and regulatory reviews in the waste management industry, the postal sector, the funeral sector, financial services, telecoms and aviation. He has contributed to cases in many jurisdictions, including the EU, Italy, the UK, Ireland, Canada, Poland and Croatia.
Simone holds a BSc and an MSc in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan, focusing on competition economics and industrial organisation. Prior to joining Oxera in September 2019, he gained experience working at the European Commission DG Competition and RBB Economics.
Simone speaks English, and Italian.
Tel: +39 02 30450296