Depiction of Oxera commits to the EU Transparency Register

Oxera commits to the EU Transparency Register

As part of Oxera’s ongoing commitment to integrity and transparency in the use of economic and financial analysis, we announce our registration on the European Union (EU) Transparency Register.

The Transparency Register is an EU initiative to increase transparency about activities that inform and influence the design of EU regulation and policy.

Oxera conducts economic and financial analysis on behalf of its clients (corporate and government) to inform EU policy and regulation in an objective and transparent way, built on robust, evidence-based analysis. In the course of that work, Oxera will undertake specific activities that are covered by the scope of the Register, such as presenting our economic analysis at events, in publications, and at meetings with officials from the European Commission. The details of these activities are provided in the Register.

In addition to the work for its clients, Oxera conducts and publishes research on its own initiative on issues related to EU policy and regulation.

Oxera also advises clients on antitrust, merger, and state aid investigations. These activities fall outside the scope of the Register. Oxera is always transparent about authorship and instructing clients when presenting such work in writing or at meetings with authorities and courts.

For more information about Oxera’s registration on the EU Transparency Register, please contact [email protected].

View the registration.
