Depiction of Collective actions: are consumers reaping the benefits?

Collective actions: are consumers reaping the benefits?

When companies engage in price fixing, abuse their market dominance, or form illegal cartels, consumers and businesses can suffer but since 2015 in the UK and 2020 across the EU, collective actions are challenging these anti-competitive practices and are seeking compensation. Many of us may even be members of a class action without even knowing it and could be due some compensation.

In this episode of Top of the Agenda, Helen Jenkins is joined by James Hennah, a Partner in Linklater’s litigation arbitration and investigations practice, and Kimela Shah, a Principal at Oxera who specialises in consumer and collective actions. Together, they discuss the latest legal developments, the landmark cases and the evolving framework for collective redress.


12 minute read
Depiction of Grey or Green Giants? Sustainability and (Exclusionary Abuse of) Dominance under Article 102 TFEU

Grey or Green Giants? Sustainability and (Exclusionary Abuse of) Dominance under Article 102 TFEU

The intersection of sustainability and competition law has gained increasing attention in recent years—particularly in the context of agreements, as evidenced by the new Horizontal Co-operation Guidelines from the European Commission,1 but also in discussions around merger control.2 However, one area remains underexplored: the role of… Read More

6 minute read
Depiction of Should the UK’s digital regulator play in the sandbox?

Should the UK’s digital regulator play in the sandbox?

Governments of developed countries around the world are looking for ways to stimulate economic growth. Common approaches are to look to either reduce regulatory blockers to innovation or intervene in markets to make them more competitive. Digital markets have been one of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy,… Read More

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