Does investment in HS2 deliver value for money?

Oxera had a closer look at HS2 (High Speed 2) and what can be expected from a benefit–cost ratio perspective. If constructed in full, the train line is expected to bring positive economic outcomes as well as improving rail connections between the North and South of England in the future. Read More

Oxera appoints Peter Culham as Associate

Oxera is delighted to announce that Peter Culham has joined as an Associate. Peter is an experienced regulatory and competition economist who has spent the majority of his career in the communications sector. He joined… Read More

Ex post evaluations of aid

Nicole Robins, Partner and head of Oxera’s State Aid practice, was invited to be a guest editor of a special edition of the European State Aid Law Quarterly journal focused on Ex Post Monitoring… Read More

Keeping the lights on in a Channel Island

A recent electricity price control dispute in the small island of Sark in the English Channel captured the imagination of the media, with outlets such as BBC, ITV, The Guardian, and CNN speculating that the island would have to be evacuated due to an electricity blackout. Read More