Oxera analysis confirms the Port of Dover’s contribution to UK and European economy

The results of a new economic impact survey conducted by Oxera for the Port of Dover suggest that the Port of Dover is a national asset—and crucial to the performance of the Kent economy. The head of Oxera’s Transport team Andrew Meaney, said: “Following a robust economic analysis, it is plain to see the Port of Dover is a vital cog in the UK economy and European logistics chain. It already adds significant value and, given the right powers, can add so much more.  Without it, the UK would be less competitive and the cost to industry would be substantial.” The full release is available on the Port of Dover’s website. Read More

Oxera’s work for Centrepoint featured in the Guardian

Many people want to give to charity, particularly at Christmas – and research shows their donations have a wider impact than they might expect. Oxera research conducted for the charity Centrepoint, which supports homeless young people, shows that the good work it does benefits more than just the young people: it also saves public money.  Read More

Oxera’s independent analysis of the proposed Quality Contracts Scheme in Tyne and Wear submitted to Nexus

The consultation on a proposed Quality Contracts Scheme (QCS) in Tyne and Wear closes today (November 22nd). A QCS would change the way in which bus services are delivered in the region and would be the first example of its type in Great Britain. Therefore, the outcome of the consultation process will have significant implications for bus passengers, bus operators and council taxpayers in the North East. Read More