Oxera delivers second workshop for competition law judges

In May 2013, Oxera delivered its first workshop for the Training of National Judges in EU competition law. The workshop was part of the European Commission’s ongoing initiative to ensure consistent decision-making in EU competition law across Member States, and was designed to provide a comprehensive grounding in the economic principles and practical tools used in EU competition law disputes across Member States. This training plays an important role in ensuring better use of economics in courts, and thereby more informed decision-making in competition law and policy across Europe.  Read More

Oxera study on behavioural economics and competition policy published

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has published a study from Oxera entitled ‘Behavioural economics and its impact on competition policy: A practical assessment with illustrative examples from financial services’. Behavioural economics uses insights from psychology to explain the effects of cognitive and behavioural processes on consumer behaviour and market outcomes. Its usefulness for competition policy remains subject to intense debate. Read More

Oxera contribute to the debate on regulation and competition issues faced by Scotland in the context of constitutional change

Robin Noble, Associate Director, yesterday participated in a roundtable debate on regulation and competition issues faced by Scotland at the David Hume Institute. Key issues agreed upon at the roundtable include: ‒ the requirement for clear institutional design; ‒ a need to quickly achieve the perception of stability; ‒ an acknowledgment that concurrency is not a viable option. Read More

Oxera recognised by Global Competition Review (GCR) as being at the forefront of competition law

2013 has already been a good year for Oxera Consulting’s Competition practice. In February, Dr Helen Jenkins, Managing Director, was ranked as one of GCR’s Top 100 Women in Antitrust, and now Dr Gunnar Niels, Director, has been shortlisted for the award of GCR Economist of the Year 2013. This nomination sees Gunnar singled out as one of only five potential candidates for Economist of the Year (Helen was one of five nominated in 2012, and Gunnar in 2011). Read More

Oxera report suggests CityFibre’s ‘anchor tenant’ approach can significantly contribute towards unlocking increased investment to achieve the UK government’s broadband targets

Next generation access networks promise a step change in broadband speeds that could be the catalyst for a range of innovative services and new communication possibilities. To deliver this, network operators will need to make large investments, laying high bandwidth fibre optic cable ever closer to users’ homes and businesses. Could an alternative model for financing ultra-fast broadband investments be a solution to deliver ‘future-proof’ infrastructure to the UK’s towns and cities? Read More