A robust approach to determining the dynamic efficiency parameter for Dutch gas and electricity TSOs

Last year, ACM commissioned Oxera to conduct a study on dynamic efficiency for Dutch transmission system operators (TSOs). The objective of the study was to advise on the scope of productivity improvement that an efficient TSO could achieve over a regulatory period due to technological improvement (also referred to as ‘frontier shift’) or cheaper inputs. In particular, the aim of the analysis was to produce productivity growth estimates using Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and Output Price Index (OPI) measures, to be applied over the regulatory period starting in 2017 for TenneT (the electricity transmission operator) and Gasunie Transport Services (GTS) (the gas transmission operator). Read More

Making the NHS more efficient: Oxera responds to Monitor’s consultation on the 2016/17 national tariff

Monitor, the sector regulator for health services in England, today published a summary of the consultation responses on the 2016/17 national tariff that it launched in February. As part of this, it has referred to our independent submission that looks at how Monitor has estimated what efficiency gains are realistic. In particular, Monitor is seeking to design an effective incentive mechanism for NHS management. Read More

Oxera assists in compensation claim in relation to Volkswagen diesel engines

Hausfeld Rechtsanwälte has recently written to car manufacturer, Volkswagen, following the revelation in 2015 that it had been using defeat devices in certain of its diesel engines, the effect of which was to artificially lower the amount of noxious emissions when the vehicles were being tested. Hausfeld is seeking compensation for VW, Audi, Skoda and SEAT car-buying customers, investors, and the general public for the environmental harms. Read More

Oxera’s economic analysis is key to the Irish Health Insurance Authority’s state aid approval

On 3 March 2016, the Irish Health Insurance Authority received the European Commission's approval for its scheme to transfer state funding to health insurers, to enable them to provide private medical insurance. As key economic adviser on state aid matters to the Authority, we helped with its submissions to the Commission and prepared the economic and financial evidence to demonstrate that the scheme was in line with state aid rules. In particular, the Oxera team, led by Senior Consultant, Nicole Robins, designed a methodology for assessing the profitability of the health insurers in Ireland, which was approved by the Commission. For information on how we can help you on state aid matters, read more here Read More

Oxera Partner, Dr Helen Jenkins, speaks at Global IP Exchange

Oxera Partner, Dr Helen Jenkins, will be running a workshop at the Global IP Exchange three-day meeting of Heads of IP in Hamburg, Germany, from 7 to 9 March. During the session, 'How Economics can Help Monetise and Defend your IP?', Helen will address two key questions: how do you know that you are getting a fair value for your IP; and if your IP has been infringed, how much should you claim? She will cover the variety of ways in which IP can be monetised, and explore how economic tools can help in both commercial and litigation settings. For information on how we can help you on IP matters, read more here.  Read More

Helen Jenkins, Oxera Partner, nominated for Economist of the Year

For the sixth consecutive year, an Oxera Partner has been recognised in the GCR awards as a leading figure in competition economics. Dr Helen Jenkins has been nominated in recognition of her contribution to numerous high-profile cases in 2015. She has been involved in a number of behavioural matters including European Commission investigations into interchange fees (where she is advising MasterCard) and foreign exchange trading; and the Commission’s scrutiny of maintenance of engines for large passenger aircraft. The breadth of Helen’s expertise is evident from the wide range of other issues she has advised on in the UK. This includes advising Scottish Power in the energy market investigation; Royal Mail in Ofcom’s investigation into its pricing; and Virgin Media on the sale of football broadcasting rights. Helen has also advised a client in Hong Kong on the new Competition Ordinance, and has acted as an economic expert in a number of international cases, including for AstraZeneca in one of the seminal cases on damages arising from a patent dispute; and for Australia and New Zealand Banking Group in relation to overdraft charges. Read More

Oxera has moved into new offices in Berlin

Our ten-strong German-based team has now moved into their beautiful new offices in Berlin. Since opening our first Berlin office in 2013, we have increased our presence in Germany. As we expand our client base, we need a space that can house our ambitions. Read More