Oxera’s economic analysis key to RWE’s Lynemouth state aid clearance

A recent in-depth European Commission state aid investigation considered whether aid to convert RWE’s Lynemouth plant from coal to biomass might be illegal under EU state aid rules. In February 2015, the Commission raised concerns that the aid might lead to the plant being excessively profitable, and that the fuel requirements of RWE’s biomass plant might distort competition in global markets. Read More

Oxera launches its first Advisory Council

Julian Franks, Oxera  Partner, is delighted to announce the launch of the Oxera Advisory Council and his Chairmanship. With leading members from the business, legal and academic communities, the Council will guide and inform Oxera on its long-term strategy and developments in its markets.  Read More

The Italian regulatory authority for gas, electricity and water is organising a seminar targeted at financial analysts and investors, in response to numerous requests from them.

Oxera Partner, Craig Lonie and Oxera Senior Consultant Svetlana Scherbakova and Giordano Colarullo have contributed to the seminar organised by the Italian energy and water regulator (Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica il Gas ed il Sistema Idrico- AEEGSI) (http://www.autorita.energia.it/it/eventi/151022.htm), presenting the key results of a study prepared by Oxera for AEEGSI ‘Estimating the cost of capital for Italian electricity and gas networks’ (https://www.oxera.com/Latest-Thinking/Publications/Reports/2015/Estimating-the-cost-of-capital-for-Italian-electri.aspx) Read More