The Oxera Economics Council, a group dedicated to stretching the boundaries of economic thinking, has today announced the appointment of two new members. Amelia Fletcher is Professor of Competition Policy at the ESRC Centre for Competition Policy and is a Non-Executive Director at the Financial Conduct Authority. Volker Nocke is Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim, holding the Chair in Microeconomics since September 2009.
Amelia and Volker join the nine existing members of the Council—Sir John Vickers (Chair), Walter Beckert, Estelle Cantillon, Eric van Damme, Natalia Fabra, Jordi Gual, Bruno Jullien, Patrick Legros and Carl Christian von Weizsäcker—who meet twice a year with Oxera and key policymakers to discuss the economic aspects of a broad range of issues. These meetings lead debate and influence policy. Previous topics discussed by the Council include: FRAND pricing obligations; competition in pharmaceuticals; state aid; behavioural economics and remedies; reform of EU energy and banking sectors; unilateral effects modelling, and the economics of margin squeeze in a competition law and regulatory context. Amelia will be contributing at tomorrow’s meeting on the topic of conduct risk regulation in financial services, which will benefit from prominent guest participants from the Financial Conduct Authority and the Internal Market and Services Directorate General.
Oxera Partner Dr Gunnar Niels commented: ‘Amelia and Volker are outstanding and highly regarded academics with lots of practical and policy experience as well. They add depth in two areas where Oxera is growing particularly strongly, namely financial services and Germany.’