The 2023 annual law on the market and competition: new developments for motorway concessions in Italy
With the 2023 annual law on the market and competition (Legge annuale per il mercato e la concorrenza 2023), the Italian government introduced several innovations across various sectors, including motorway concessions. Specifically, as regards the latter, the provisions reflect the objectives of greater transparency and competition when awarding motorway concessions, as envisaged in one of the reforms included in the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza).
The main changes include:
- the obligation for the Grantor to tender out new motorway concessions;
- the definition of standardised eligibility criteria for the tenders;
- the introduction of a maximum length for new concessions;
- the application of the principle of the most advantageous offer for the award of new motorway concessions;
- the establishment of the national road investment plan (Piano nazionale degli investimenti autostradali), the national fund for investments in the motorway network (Fondo nazionale per gli investimenti sulla rete autostradale), and the fund for the economic and financial equilibrium of the concessions (Fondo per il riequilibrio economico-finanziario delle concessioni).
Dr Leonardo Mautino
Switching tracks: the regulatory implications of Great British Railways—part 2
In this two-part series, we delve into the regulatory implications of rail reform. This reform will bring significant changes to the industry’s structure, including the nationalisation of private passenger train operations and the creation of Great British Railways (GBR)—a vertically integrated body that will manage both track and operations for… Read More
Cost–benefit analyses for public policy
Cost–benefit analyses (CBA) are commonly applied to public infrastructure projects where there is a degree of certainty about the physical output of the project and the consequent societal benefits. CBA can also be applied to proposed policy and regulatory changes, but there is less clarity about the outcomes and the… Read More