Portrait of Adriana Nieto Acostamadiedo

Adriana Nieto Acostamadiedo : Principal

Adriana is part of Oxera’s Competition team. She has extensive experience in antitrust litigation, damages quantification, merger analysis—particularly in efficiencies—and IP rights, in the context of European Competition Policy Regulation and Arbitration proceedings.

She has advised clients in various matters across a variety of sectors, including financial services, insurance, automotive, telecoms, cash-in-transit and energy, among others. As a consultant, she provides her clients with practical applications of economic analysis tools.

Similarly, she has deeply analysed the workings of different markets, where she has designed and implemented impact evaluation and prediction techniques for analysing a wide set of issues.

Adriana has several years of experience providing expert witness testimony in court across various types of litigation, including arbitration disputes.

Before joining Oxera, Adriana worked at KPMG, where she held a leading role within the Competition Economics team in Spain. Prior to this, she worked at Compass Lexecon where she focused on the design and implementation of econometric exercises in a broad range of competition cases. She has also worked with leading think tanks in Colombia—providing consultancy on various macroeconomic and financial matters.

Adriana speaks English, and Spanish.

Tel: +34 91 019 3574

Adriana's specialisms include:

professional experience

  • Assessed the impact of promotional activities on sales in the soft drinks market by means of econometric techniques, in the context of an administrative proceeding between the Spanish Tax Agency and our client (2024)

  • Acting as economic expert for one of the main car manufacturers in Spain in relation to claim proceedings against the firm in the context of an information exchange infringement sanctioned by the competition authority (2022–)

  • Studying market dynamics and assessing the potential market impact of an alleged information exchange in the insurance market (2010)

  • Performed an assessment on the existence of competition restrictions potentially arising from a data-sharing platform in the car insurance market (2022–25)

  • Assessed the expected merger efficiencies and the likeliness of their pass-on to consumers in the context of a merger between two of the main Spanish banks (2020)

  • Expert Witness in the context of a dispute against the Spanish government, held in the Spanish High Court regarding highway infrastructure concessions (2020)


  • Nieto Acostamadiedo, A. (2007), ‘Financial Deepening in Colombia, Capital Flows and Banking Sector Controls: An Econometric Analysis’, in R. Steiner, Salazar, N. and Clavijo, I., Helping Reforms Deliver Growth: The case of Colombia.

  • Nieto Acostamadiedo, A. and Salamanca, C. (2007), ‘SME Credit securitization: gaining Access to financial resources’, Carta Financiera. May.

  • Nieto Acostamadiedo, A. (2006’), ‘Risk aversion and volatility in emerging markets’, Carta Financiera, November.


  • MSc in Finance, Barcelona GSE

  • MA in Economics and Quantitative Methods, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

  • BA Economics, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Latest Insights:  Adriana Nieto Acostamadiedo

Seminar on the Foreign Subsidies Regulation

In June 2023, the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (‘FSR’) came into force. While companies and practitioners are learning to tackle the notification and internal reporting challenges, a number of questions remain open around key concepts of the FSR. In addition, the Commission published last week a Call… Read More

Image depicting Seminar on the Foreign Subsidies Regulation

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