Portrait of Andrea Pompita

Andrea Pompita : Consultant

Andrea is a member of Oxera’s Finance & Valuation team. He has experience working in commercial disputes, state aid and regulatoy finance across different geographies, particularly in the energy and transport sectors.

Before joining Oxera, Andrea worked as a data analyst for a fintech company processing private equity funds data, while also completing his Master’s degree at EDHEC Business School.

Andrea speaks English, and Italian.

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 6678

Andrea's specialisms include:

professional experience

  • Assessed the implications of an increase in asymmetric risk on the allowed returns for RIIO-T3 for an electricity transmission network (2024)

  • Supported a UK gas distribution network to develop an evidence base around the risk it is facing at RIIO-GD3 in relation to its engagement with Ofgem and for business planning purposes (2024)

  • Assessed the alleged damages in the context of an international arbitration in the motorway sector (2023–24)

  • Advised an Italian distribution network on the interpretation of the ROSS regulation, implementing a model for the calculation of the allowed revenue (2023–24)

  • Assisted an Italian electricity distribution network in the due diligence process in the context of assets acquisition from another operator (2023)

  • Assessed the alleged damages in the context of an international arbitration in the construction sector (2023)


  • MSc Financial Economics, EDHEC Business School, France

  • BSc Physics, University of Bologna, Italy

Latest Insights:  Andrea Pompita

16 minute read
On 18 July 2024, Ofgem published its Sector Specific Methodology Decision (SSMD) for the forthcoming RIIO-3 price control period for electricity transmission (ET), gas transmission (GT) and gas distribution (GD)…

Rebooting Competition Policy?

Registration for this event has now closed. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, in case space becomes available, please email: [email protected]. Date: Tuesday 11 March 2025Registration: 13:00 CETCocktail reception: 18:30 CETLocation: Sparks, Rue Ravenstein 60, Brussels Join MLex, Oxera and Paul, Weiss for a half-day conference to… Read More

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