Portrait of Emma Zabraniecki

Emma Zabraniecki : Consultant

Emma is a member of Oxera’s Competition team in Paris. She holds a Masters degree in Economics and Competition Law from the Toulouse School of Economics. Emma has completed an internship in the Sélinsky law office and also worked as an intern at the French Competition Authority. Her experience in the Authority’s antitrust unit for digital and telecoms cases allowed her to gain insights into digital sectors, and specifically online advertising markets.

Emma speaks English, and French.

Tel: +33 (0) 1 80 20 91 87

Emma's specialisms include:

professional experience

  • Participation in the investigation on the merits following the rejection of interim measures from complainants, in the Apple case (2022)

  • Preparation of a workshop around the concepts of ‘cookie walls’ and ‘dark patterns’ in cooperation with the French CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) (2022)


  • Cholet, S. and Zabraniecki, E. (2021), ‘Les clauses de non-concurrence par le prisme de l’interdiction den ententes anticoncurrentielles’, Sélinsky Avocats, 13 July.

  • Cholet, S. and Zabraniecki, E. (2021), ’Affaire Le Galec : la question de la remise en tant qu’avantage sans contrepartie’, Sélinsky Avocats, 6 June.


  • Economics and Competition Law, Toulouse School of Economics/Université Toulouse 1 Capitole