Portrait of Enno Eilts

Enno Eilts : Partner

Enno specialises in litigation and competition economics. In his litigation work, Enno advises both claimants and defendants. He has provided expert advice in follow-on damages claims in Germany such as those relating to trucks, roll-on/roll-off shipping, air cargo, rail tracks, high voltage cables, steel, sugar, cathode ray tubes, e-commerce and a wealth of different car parts. Enno’s experience in competition economics includes work on merger analysis, abuse of dominance and state aid. In these contexts, Enno has advised international corporates and associations in industries such as food, forestry, transport, white goods manufacturing, and wholesaling and retailing, as well as the animal feed and automobile industries.

Enno regularly teaches at Oxera’s external training courses on utility regulation and competition economics. Other training courses he has taught on include Advanced Competition Economics at the University of Johannesburg (South Africa), Quantifying Antitrust Damages for the European Commission and the OECD (international), and various State Aid modules at the Academy of European Law in Trier (Germany) and the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht (The Netherlands).

Before joining Oxera in 2010, Enno worked for two competition watchdogs—the UK Competition Commission (now the Competition and Markets Authority), and the New Zealand Commerce Commission. He is listed in the Global Competition Review’s Who’s Who Legal: Consulting Experts – Competition Economists. Who’s Who Legal says Enno is ‘one of the best economists in Germany’, and that ‘he is dedicated’ and ‘a pleasure to work with’.

Enno speaks English, and German.

Tel: +49 (0) 30 7675 99105

Enno's specialisms include:

professional experience

  • Estimation of damages in relation to an alleged abuse of dominance in the e-commerce sector (2019–)

  • Estimation of damages relating to trucks (2019–)

  • Estimation of damages in relation to cybercrime (2017–)

  • Advice on a merger control case in the Austrian waste management industry (2016–17)

  • Estimation of damages relating to roll-on/roll-off shipping (2016–)

  • Estimation of cartel damages relating to the high-voltage cables cartel (multiple mandates) (2016–)


  • Eilts, E. (2011), ‘Restricting Competition: Land Agreements at Shopping Centres and Airports’, Competition Law Journal, 10:2, pp. 154–60.

  • Eilts, E. and Oxley, P. (2011), ‘Competition in Ports and Port Services’, OECD Round Table, DAF/COMP(2011)14.


  • MSc Economics, University of Warwick

  • BA Business Economics, University of Portsmouth

Latest Insights:  Enno Eilts

Rebooting Competition Policy?

Registration for this event has now closed. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, in case space becomes available, please email: [email protected]. Date: Tuesday 11 March 2025Registration: 13:00 CETCocktail reception: 18:30 CETLocation: Sparks, Rue Ravenstein 60, Brussels Join MLex, Oxera and Paul, Weiss for a half-day conference to… Read More

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