Portrait of Dr Min Shi, CFA

Dr Min Shi, CFA : Partner

Dr Min Shi leads an excellent team. She is unflappable, extremely intelligent and very easy to work with.

Quinn Emmanuel

Min is an expert in the fields of financial valuation and damages quantification. She has submitted more than 70 expert reports, and testified 17 times regarding the valuation of assets and quantum of damages in commercial litigation and international arbitration cases. She has testified in the High Court of Justice in London, the Royal Court in Jersey, and the Intermediate People’s Court of Nanjing Municipality in China. She has also testified before ICC-, LCIA-, SCAI- and UNCITRAL-administered arbitrations in London, Paris and Zurich. Min is a member of Oxera’s Governing Board.

Before joining Oxera in 2010, Min worked in the finance practice of Charles River Associates, a global economics consultancy firm based in the USA, where she mainly performed valuation work in the context of securities class action lawsuits and bankruptcy cases.

Min is an Associate Fellow at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, where she gives guest lectures on valuation-related topics to MBA and EMBA students. She was previously a Lecturer in Economics at The Queen’s College, University of Oxford (2010‒11), and Assistant Professor of Finance at the Business School of the University of Wisconsin–Madison (2001‒05).

She is listed as a Thought Leader in Who’s Who Legal—Commercial Litigation, and listed in Who’s Who Legal—Arbitration and Quantum of Damages (https://whoswholegal.com/min-shi). Min is the winner of the Client Choice Award for Arbitration Expert Witness in 2020 and 2022. Testimonials from her clients include the following:

‘Dr Min Shi leads an excellent team. She is unflappable, extremely intelligent and very easy to work with.’

‘Min is rigorous and perceptive in her analysis; she maintains a keen understanding of the commercial imperatives in play.’

‘She has been the expert whose evidence and, most particularly, ability to deal with hostile cross-examination, has impressed me.’

‘She is calm and collected and she puts the tribunal at ease.’

‘Min is excellent; she is one of the best expert witnesses in her jurisdiction.’

‘Min is highly responsive and hard-working; her work product is of an excellent quality.’

‘Min has incredible attention to detail.’

‘Excellent at analysing financial, economic issues and related accounting issues.’

Min speaks Chinese, and English.

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 253094

Min's specialisms include:

professional experience

expert experience

  • Submitted an Expert Report to a tribunal in an arbitration under the rules of UNCITRAL (PCA Case No. 2023-06) in relation to the losses suffered by investors in an Asian country due to the alleged breaches of the relevant BITs (2023)

  • Submitted an Expert Report to a tribunal in an ICSID arbitration (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/50) in relation to the losses claimed by a cement manufacturer due to the alleged breach of the relevant BITs (2023)

  • Submitted an Expert Report and a Joint Experts’ Statement to the High Court of Justice in London (Claim Number: CL-2021-000398) regarding the alleged damages suffered by the seller of a financial institution in Africa following the sales of the company (2023)

  • Submitted two Expert Reports to, and testified in Washington DC in front of, a tribunal in an ICSID arbitration (ICSID Case No. ARB/19/22) in relation to the losses suffered by a global mining company due to alleged breaches of a bilateral investment treaty (2022–23)

  • Submitted an Expert Report and a Joint Experts’ Statement to the High Court of Justice in London (Claim Number: QB-2020-003993) regarding the country risk premium, inflation and earnings growth rates of Lithuania for the calculation of a lump sum payment in a personal injury litigation (2023)

  • Submitted two Expert Reports and a Joint Experts’ Statement to, and testified in London in front of, a tribunal in an LCIA-administered arbitration in London in relation to the losses suffered by a master franchisee due to the alleged breach by the master franchisor (2022–23)


  • Shi, M., Khalil, M. and Gupta, S. (2021), ‘How to Quantify Damages in Covid-19 Related Disputes’, Global Arbitration Review – The Guide to Damages in International Arbitration, Fourth edition.

  • Khalil, M., Ralston, H. and Shi, M. (2020), ‘Calculating the cover charge: business interruption insurance and COVID-19’, Agenda, May.

  • Khalil, M. and Shi, M. (2020), ‘COVID-19 and damages quantification: key challenges for the post-pandemic world’, Agenda, May.

  • Shi, M. (2018), ‘The curious case of the valueless valuation—the Signia Wealth v Vector Trustees ruling’, Agenda, 31 May.

  • Niels, G., Noble, R. and Shi, M. (2014), ‘Economic experts on trial: Can courts rely on the evidence?’, Global Competition Review, 14 April.

  • Griffin, J., Shi, M. and Cox, R. (2011), ‘Securities Damages’, chapter 10 in K. Boushie, C. Spadea and Cunniff, M. (eds), Calculating and Providing Damages, Law Journal Press.


  • PhD Economics, Harvard University, USA

  • MA Economics, Harvard University, USA

  • BA International Economics, Beijing University, China

  • Min is a CFA® charterholder since 2008

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