Portrait of Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis

Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis : Associate

Emmanuel is Emeritus Professor in Management Sciences at the College of Business and Social Sciences at Aston University in Birmingham, UK. He is a specialist in performance measurement and a renowned authority on the theory and application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) as a method for measuring and managing performance. He has advised on efficiency for a variety of organisations, including the Department for Education and Skills, the Home Office, HM Treasury and the Audit Commission. He has developed numerous assessment models for utilities including Royal Mail, Transco, United Utilities, Vivendi Water UK, Severn Trent Water, and Dutch and German gas and electricity transmission service operators (TSOs).

Oxera Associates are highly skilled independent experts who are recognised within a variety of sectors. These individuals have a wealth of knowledge within their fields, and our collaboration with them means that we can offer the best advice, inspiring our clients to make better decisions.

Emmanuel speaks English, and Greek.

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 253000

Emmanuel's specialisms include:

professional experience

  • Scientific expert to Terranets (German TSO) on modelling productivity change in German regulation (2019)

  • Critique on behalf of TenneT (Dutch TSO) of the methodology of pan-European cost-efficiency benchmarking for electricity TSOs (2019)

  • Scientific advice to Netze BW (German TSO), on two appeals to court against efficiency modelling used by the German energy regulator, Bundesnetzagentur (2017–20)

  • Scientific adviser to Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW), representing over 1800 German energy and water companies, on its submission to the German energy regulator Bundesnetzagentur, on efficiency modelling (2017)

  • Review of the regulator’s total cost efficiency modelling for the Finnish energy industry (2012)

  • Advice on efficiency issues for a Belgian energy distribution network (2011–12)


  • Thanassoulis, E., Takamura-Tweedy, A., Patel, M. and Rao, S. (2020), ‘A Method for Identifying Cost-Efficient Practices in the Treatment of Thoracic Empyema’, British Journal of Healthcare Management, 26:7, July.

  • Maziotis, A., Saal, D.S., Thanassoulis, E. and Molinos, M. (2018), ‘Profit change and its drivers in the English and Welsh water industry: is output quality important?’, Water Policy, 20:5, pp. 995–1012.

  • Maziotis, A., Saal, D.S., Thanassoulis, E. and Molinos-Senante, M. (2016), ‘Price-cap regulation in the English and Welsh water industry: A proposal for measuring productivity performance’, Utilities Policy, 41, pp. 22–30.

  • Thanassoulis, E., De Witte, K., Johnes, J., Johnes, G., Karagiannis, G. and Portela, C.S. (2016), ‘Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis in Education’ in J. Zhu, ed., Data Envelopment Analysis: A handbook of Empirical Studies and Applications, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, 238, Springer.

  • Maziotis, A., Saal, D., Thanassoulis, E. and Molinos, M. (2014), ‘Profit, productivity and price performance changes in the water and sewerage industry: an empirical application for England and Wales’, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 10/2014, 17:4.

  • Portela, M.C.S. and Thanassoulis, E. (2014), ‘Economic efficiency when prices are not fixed: Disentangling quantity and price efficiency’, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 47, pp. 36–44.


  • PhD Industrial and Business Studies, University of Warwick

  • MSc Management Science and Operational Research, University of Warwick

  • BSc Engineering with Operational Research, University of Sussex

Latest Insights:  Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis

Rebooting Competition Policy?

Date: Tuesday 11 March 2025Registration: 13:00 CETCocktail reception: 18:30 CETLocation: Sparks, Rue Ravenstein 60, Brussels Join MLex, Oxera and Paul, Weiss for a half-day conference to discuss the rapidly-changing world of merger control and antitrust enforcement. Hear from decision-makers and experts who are shaping the competition policy landscape, and engage in insightful… Read More

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