Tim is a leading authority on corporate finance—in particular private equity, IPOs, asset management, the cost of capital, and corporate valuation. He has worked on numerous consultancy projects and provided expert testimony over the last 25 years. He has advised companies and regulators in the gas, electricity, transport, water, telecoms, sports, media and financial services sectors, and his work on the cost of capital has played an important role in regulatory reviews and decisions. As well as being a Partner at Oxera, Tim is Professor of Finance at the Saïd Business School, Oxford University, where he is also Director of the Private Equity Institute. His research is widely quoted and has been published in top academic journals. He is a frequent keynote speaker at practitioner conferences and he has received many awards, including the 2016 Harry Markowitz Prize (for his work on private equity performance), the 2015 Commonfund Prize (for the paper with the most relevance to institutional investors) and a 2014 Brattle Group Prize (awarded by the American Finance Association for the best research on corporate finance).
Tim’s main academic work has been published in peer-reviewed journals. He has also published five books, including his acclaimed book on IPOs (Going Public), and a book of articles on Competition in Regulated Industries.
Tim speaks English.
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 6698