Rocío is a member of Oxera’s Competition team. She has over ten years’ experience in applying economics to a wide range of competition policy issues, having provided advice to companies across different sectors and regulators.
Her experience in antitrust matters covers the application of econometric techniques for the analysis of merger efficiencies, quantifying damages relating to anticompetitive conducts, and performing market definition exercises. In particular, she has performed different analyses in the context of legal proceedings regarding horizontal agreements, cartels, vertical restrictions, and abuse of dominance.
Before joining Oxera, Rocío worked as a Senior Manager in the Competition Economics team at KPMG Spain, where her experience focused on the preparation of economic reports on cartel cases, abuse of a dominant position, self-evaluation of trade policies and market definition for national and international companies from diverse industries such as pharmaceuticals, retail distribution, capital markets, and the automotive and insurance sectors, among others. She has over five years’ experience of testifying before national courts across Spain in cases relating to damages claims arising from competition law infringements.
Her prior experience includes working as a Senior Analyst at Compass Lexecon, where she also focused on the application of economics and econometric techniques to competition policy matters. In addition, Rocío spent two years working at the Bank of Spain, where she developed diverse research studies in the macroeconomics field.
Rocío speaks English, and Spanish.
Tel: +34 679 96 34 26
Rocío's specialisms include:
- Financial Services
- Transport
- Antitrust
- Antitrust Damages