Depiction of Transport


The route to successful economies

Keeping the world moving is fundamental to the efficient functioning of economies worldwide.

From global logistics to consumer travel, the opportunities and challenges in transport—such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and the digital revolution—require the highest-quality analysis and expertise.

That’s where Oxera comes in. Companies, authorities, lawyers, and governments have relied on us for over 30 years to provide the insights that keep us all moving.

An industry that never stops

Road, rail, air or sea—we cover all modes of transport, blending our in-depth industry knowledge and understanding of the developments in transport economics with our expertise in competition, regulation, finance, efficiency, and analytics.

This means that you can access the right blend of skills to answer your biggest questions, whether you’re setting fair prices for consumers, designing a framework for a lifeline transport service, or gathering robust evidence for an agenda-setting case in state aid, competition, or litigation.

In the air

Our relationships with the aviation industry go back to Oxera’s early days, when our experts first worked on airport regulation and designed regulatory frameworks from competition principles.

Since then, we’ve supported companies and organisations across the entire aviation value chain, from airlines to airports, air navigation service providers (ASNPs), and equipment manufacturers.

Our input has been critical to the state aid debate on airport–airline agreements, and we have given evidence to the General Court, as well as submissions to the European Commission and national governments.

How we help the aviation industry:

  • regulation support, including all aspects of charges reviews, efficiency analysis, capital costs, till regime, cost of capital, and charging structure
  • due diligence on airport transactions for investors, plus impact assessments to support masterplan development and proposals for new capacity (including planning inquiries)
  • state aid advice and submissions for airlines, merger control, antitrust and commercial litigation.

On road and rail

We’ve been deeply involved in the critical issues facing rail and road across Europe and beyond since the mid-1990s—from the continual need to address congestion and pollution to emerging policy debates on electrification and vehicles of the future, and the financing of road infrastructure.

We help clients by:

  • assessing the efficiency of road infrastructure managers, contract design, the case for new infrastructure and the impact of changing policies on logistics chains
  • in the bus sector, providing advice on the regulatory framework (competition in, or for, the market), merger control, state aid, and commercial strategy, including management information systems and demand forecasting
  • for rail, providing global advice covering the entire value chain on the structure and regulation of the rail industry, such as contracting for passenger services (including franchising), new infrastructure, commercial strategy, commercial litigation, merger control and antitrust
  • providing advice and analysis of the impact of connected and autonomous vehicles, including antitrust matters, follow-on antitrust damages cases, and commercial litigation relating to manufacturers and consumers

At sea

European governments and some of Europe’s largest ports and shipping firms seek our economic advice and analysis to support their activities across the world.

Our work in ports and maritime:

  • economic analysis—supporting master planning and providing commercial insights into charging and competitive positions
  • antitrust advice—covering matters across the ports and maritime sector
  • state aid advice and support
  • regulation—developing and monitoring the regulatory framework for lifeline ferry services, by contract or a formal regulatory body

Accolades and industry recognition

Member and 2018 World Business Partner of the Year for ACI Europe, the trade association representing 500 airports in 45 European countries.

Member of UITP Europe and its Transport Economics Council, the international public transport organisation.

Member of the Association of European Transport, the leading European organisation for transport professionals and academics.

Their approach to developing new thinking and innovative concepts regarding the economics and valuation of data sharing is a testament to their extensive consulting experience in finance, valuation and transport economics.

- Gayang Ho, Leader of Research Policy & Development, Asia-Pacific Centre for Transport Excellence

Transport Insights

10 minute read
There is no right or wrong way to allocate indirect costs, only good or bad ways of supporting policy objectives, either of the company itself or an industry regulator or…
< 1 minute read
With the 2023 annual law on the market and competition (Legge annuale per il mercato e la concorrenza 2023), the Italian government introduced several innovations across various sectors, including motorway…

Economic analysis of the profitability of regional airports

Regional airports in the EU play a crucial role in connectivity, serving 724 destinations and offering 14,600 routes within the EU (as of 2017). Under current state aid rules, these airports can receive operating aid if they handle fewer than 3 million passengers per year, a provision extended to 4… Read More

Image depicting Economic analysis of the profitability of regional airports

Seminar on the Foreign Subsidies Regulation

Registration for this event has now closed. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, in case space becomes available, please email: [email protected]. In June 2023, the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (‘FSR’) came into force. While companies and practitioners are learning to tackle the notification and internal reporting… Read More

Image depicting Seminar on the Foreign Subsidies Regulation